In the CCS roadmap, these four sectors would contribute emissions reductions in roughly the below proportions to achieve 2020 Kyoto Protocol targets.
SECTOR: Residential, Commercial, and Industrial—49 percent
Commercial and Residential Efficiency
Increases energy efficiency and conservation in commercial and residential electricity to reduce energy demand—for example through the green roof seen above.
Industrial Process Efficiency
Increases energy efficiency and process improvements in industrial heat and power to lower overall energy production.
Advanced Building Codes
Implements stringent energy-efficiency standards for all new commercial and residential buildings.
Zero Net Energy Buildings
Develops on-site energy efficiency and renewable energy that reduces consumption and shifts to zero-carbon sources.
Appliance Standards
Increases energy-efficiency standards for home and commercial appliances.
SECTOR: Agriculture, Forestry, and Waste—27 percent
Landfill Methane Management
Provides incentives, standards, and assistance to reduce methane emissions from landfills and expand methane energy recovery.
Crop Production and Nutrition Management
Facilitates management practices that reduce nitrous dioxide emissions from farming practices.
Reforestation Management
Implements programs to expand rates of reforestation to increase carbon sinks.
Livestock Manure Management
Expands the use of bio-digesters to convert manure to renewable energy and to reduce methane emissions.
Urban Forest Management
Supports incentives and assistance for tree planting to reduce energy use in homes and other buildings.
Forest Retention
Provides incentives, assistance, and standards to reduce conversion of forests to other uses, protecting carbon sinks.
SECTOR: Transportation and Land Use—9 percent
Mode Shift from Truck to Rail
Encourages switching from road to rail for commercial transport of freight and goods.
Smart-Growth Land Use
Establishes incentives and assistance to support more efficient location and design of communities and transportation systems.
Anti-Idling Technologies and Practices
Expands investment in anti-idling research and development, education of drivers on negative consequences of idling, and standards for drivers.
PHEV and EV Rebates
Offers incentives to consumers who purchase hybrid electric and electric vehicles.
Public Transit
Increases investment in public transportation systems combined with local land use systems.
National CAFÉ Standard
Establishes a minimum miles per gallon for cars sold after 2016.
SECTOR: Electricity and Heat Supply—7 percent
National Clean Electricity Standard
Establishes standards and incentives for electricity generators to shift to low-carbon power sources and uses.
Incentives for Combined Heat and Power
Implements incentives for electricity and heat suppliers and users who generate and use power from cogeneration methods